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URGENT: Time is running out—our campaign ends March 16! If has strengthened your faith, please help keep it free for millions. Every gift matters—give today!

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Go Ahead and Don That Yarmulke

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Is it appropriate for a Christian wear a yarmulke?


A yarmulke (also called a “kippah”) is a skullcap worn by observant Jews. It looks similar to the zucchetto worn by Catholic bishops. A Christian is free to wear a yarmulke if he has a just reason to do so—as a guest in a synagogue or at a Jewish home liturgy (e.g., a Passover seder). But he should not appropriate a yarmulke for his own non-Jewish purposes. It should be noted that customs for men’s head covering are different for Jews and Christians. Jewish men wear a head covering, such as a yarmulke, during worship. Christian men pray with their heads uncovered (1 Cor. 11:4–7).

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