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Don’t Date While Awaiting an Annulment


Is it okay to date while going through the annulment process? At the same time staying chaste.


No, you’re not free to date, because you’re still married in the eyes of the Church. Being platonic friends is one thing, but do not date, because you’d be presuming a positive outcome with your annulment case, which may not occur.

In addition, you may think you would be chaste, but you put yourself in a near occasion of grave sin, could give scandal to others (see the Catechism 2284-87) and, at the very least, will grow closer to each other in an inappropriate emotional way, one that is appropriate only for two people free to marry in the Church. For more information, see this answer.

In the meantime, know that God will honor your faithfulness (see Phil. 4:13, John 8:31-32, 2 Cor. 12:8-10), and surround yourself with good Catholic friends of the same gender to help you live a chaste life.

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