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Did Jesus Know He Was God at the Incarnation?


Did Jesus know that he was God when he became Incarnate?


At the Incarnation the Son of God, the second person of the Holy Trinity, became man. That is, “the Word” who was and is God “became flesh” at the Incarnation (John 1:1, 14), taking the name of Jesus (see Luke 1:31). Jesus is thus appropriately known as the “Incarnate Word” (CCC 478).

Because he is truly God, existing from all eternity, taking on a human nature at the Incarnation could not have negatively impacted the Son of God as a divine person, including causing him to forget that he was God. Otherwise, he would have been shown to be not God.

For more on the mysterious interplay between Jesus’ divine and human natures, see CCC 471-75. In short, Jesus may experience something in a new way through his human nature. But as an omniscient (i.e., all-knowing) divine person, Jesus necessarily cannot have a net increase in knowledge.

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