In an ectopic pregnancy (in which conception takes place outside of the uterus), the fetus cannot survive. The other procedure you speak of results in the removal of a viable fetus. This is not merely splitting hairs or an academic exercise. An innocent human being is deliberately being killed. The end never justifies the means—even if the mother will die. God can take innocent life. He has a right to. We don’t. Church annulment is the process by which it is determined that a valid marriage has not taken place, leaving the persons free to marry. Unless such proof can be obtained, a marriage is ordinarily presumed to be valid. One cannot be married to two people. A civil divorce has no power to dissolve a valid marriage. Finally, praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet is not in the least opposed to asking for God’s mercy in other ways and circumstances. These are not examples of legalism. They are reasonable if one understands them. We all have to be careful of making false dichotomies and simplistic conclusions regarding the Church. It is through the Church we meet Jesus in the only way anyone can meet him: through humble gratitude.