Tom Carney works as a fixed-income portfolio manager at Weitz Investment Management, Inc. He was raised Catholic in a time when too many were “catechized but not evangelized” and so spent many years spiritually sleepwalking in his faith journey. He counts the blessings of Catholic radio and Catholic Answers in his formation and ongoing conversion and encounter with Christ and the Church he founded. He is pleased to serve on the board to encourage, support, and advise the apostolate’s leadership in its mission and operations and to represent donors and fellow seekers who, like him, are drawn to the to the fullness of the truth found within the Catholic Church. Tom also serves on the board of Spirit Catholic Radio (an EWTN affiliate) and other life-giving apostolates in Omaha, Nebraska, where he and his wife, Patty, live. They went to grade school together, became high school sweethearts, and have been married for nearly four decades. They are blessed with three children, their spouses, and six grandchildren.