Sharon Lee Giganti, a former Miss San Diego County and runner-up to Miss California, left Hollywood at the height of her success (guest-starring in over 20 top television shows and co-starring in several films) to pursue a “Higher Purpose”. Believing that she had found the true way to serve God through a channeled spirit named, Abraham and the New Age “bible” known as, A Course in Miracles, she had intended to teach “a new and more enlightened way to be loving” with these popular Law of Attraction and New Thought philosophies.
But by 1999, disillusioned with the devastation these teachings so often produced, she realized they were deceptive and lacked the real presence of Jesus Christ. Thankfully, Sharon’s diligent search for Truth began to lead her home; to authentic Christianity, and when tragedy struck her family in the year 2000– she walked away from the world of “New Thought” for good.
During a time of incredible loss, (the murder of her infant nephew and subsequent life sentencing of her brother, the suicide of one of her New Thought students, and the mental collapse of another; resulting in her being committed to a psychiatric ward) Sharon says she saw clearly, as if for the first time, the very real consequences of sin and the true teachings of the Bible playing out right before her eyes amid the tragic events surrounding her. With courageous honesty, she reveals how her “New Age” influence may have unwittingly played a part in these tragedies – and how God’s Saving Word brought her out of that spiritual darkness and into the Light of Truth!
In 2003, as a frequent guest on live radio with such well respected hosts as Jeff Cavins and Teresa Tomeo, Sharon began warning others of the dangers of counter-Christian secular influence and false New Age doctrine – the very same ideologies that are now being heavily promoted by Oprah Winfrey, in teachings such as: A Course in Miracles, The Secret, the “Law of Attraction” philosophy of “Abraham-Hicks”, and Author, Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth. Sharon has also been a guest speaker for many Church organizations and gatherings, including three chapters of the international “Magnificat” ministry for Catholic Women.
Now a certified Catholic catechist, a novice with the Holy Family Institute, and a regular guest on Catholic Answers Live Radio, Sharon’s powerful message is currently heard world-wide via their global broadcast through EWTN. Using stories drawn from her own personal experiences, and those of her former students, (she was a dedicated Course in Miracles devotee, and became known as an “Abraham Ambassador” teaching “Law of Attraction” workshops) Sharon gives an eye-witness account of the devastation that often follows when the New Thought Movement’s most poisonous principles are applied in every day life.
In 2008, Catholic Answers recorded her 3 hour interview with renowned apologist, Jimmy Akin, entitled, “Oprah: Televangelist of New Age Deception” to help spread the word.
Her message is very timely as these infectious ideologies are spreading rapidly and contaminating much of our culture’s worldview. Sharon warns that, if they are not countered, corruption and misery on a massive scale will surely follow.
With her testimony, Sharon seeks to avert this tragedy while offering the only sure remedy; knowledge of the One, True God, His real Son, Jesus Christ, and the authentic revelation of His Word.
Sharon says, “When people ask me how I managed to recover from “The Devil’s Influence-za” I tell them, “The only antidote was GOD’S TRUTH SERUM – I re-learned what our culture couldn’t tell me and the New Age didn’t know: the Saving Truths of our Catholic Faith!”