Sean Fitzpatrick serves on the faculty of Gregory the Great Academy, a boarding school for boys in Elmhurst Township, Pennsylvania, where he teaches humanities. His writings on education, literature, and culture have appeared in a number of journals including Crisis Magazine, Catholic World Report, The Epoch Times, and the Imaginative Conservative.
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Can You Love Mary Too Much? 04/28/2022
The Green Old Deal of St. Isidore 03/22/2022
St. Matthias Brings Good Out of Evil 02/24/2022
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Holy Innocents, Holy Innocence 12/28/2021
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Leo the Great Versus Attila the Hun 11/10/2021
St. Jerome Roars in Latin 09/30/2021
St. Andrew Kim Taegon: First Priest of Korea 09/20/2021
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Learning Forgiveness from St. Maria Goretti 07/06/2021
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