Christ’s promise of “life in abundance” (Jn 10:10) has been for me a source of continued fascination and hope. What does this life look like, and how can we share in it? It is a great blessing and joy to be able to reflect on this question, to unfold the truth of God’s merciful promises, and to share that truth with others. Thus, my interests in dogmatic and moral theology revolve around the good life lived in Christ and the abundant expressions this life finds in culture, music, literature, and the varied communities we inhabit. In researching and teaching these topics, I have taken special inspiration from St. Thomas Aquinas, St. John Paul II, and Pope Benedict XVI. Formed in a particular way by missionary work, the culture of the family, and the common pursuit of truth, I am delighted to continue the evangelical work of seeking and sharing the truth at the Augustine Institute.
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