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Monica Breaux


Monica Breaux, PhD, has spent more than 15 years collecting research that validates the wisdom of the Catholic vision of sexuality.  She is endorsed by her bishop Thomas Olmsted.  Her expertise in sexual addiction, pornography, and homosexuality has been shared with Bishop Olmsted’s Presbyteral Council, the AZ State Abstinence Education Coordinators, the National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors, and other conferences in Catholic high schools and parishes.  Dr. Breaux received a national honor as the 2010 Catholic Social Worker of the Year and she is a member of  Her ministry has evolved into a lay movement for those who recognize the injustice of sexual immorality and the need for a spiritual work of mercy.  She has been seen and heard this year on Catholic TV and radio (Women of Grace, Vocation Boom, The Good Fight, and Seize the Day).  To book her as a speaker, please call Jerry Usher’s Third Millennium Media at (866) 686-2396.

Her website is

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