Kenneth Hensley is a Catholic teacher, speaker, and author. He was a Protestant minister for eleven years before resigning his pastorate in 1996 to enter the Catholic Church. He now works with the Coming Home Network International, helping others discover the truth and beauty of the Catholic faith. He is also an adjunct instructor in Old and New Testament at St. John’s Seminary for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. To subscribe to his personal email list and check out his many recorded talks on Catholic apologetics, visit his website at kennethhensley.com
More by Kenneth Hensley
How to Drive Your Friends Sane 10/30/2017
Atheism vs. Human Worth 10/12/2017
Filling the Infinite Abyss 09/25/2017
Made in His Image and Likeness 01/01/2017
The Born-Again Agnostic: Salvation, Part I 09/20/2016
The Axe Murderer and the Crocodile 07/01/2016
What Easter Means in Deadly Practical Terms 03/25/2016
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