Karl Keating is founder and senior fellow at Catholic Answers. He is the author of seven books, including his most recent, The New Geocentrists and The Ultimate Catholic Quiz. His books Catholicism and Fundamentalism and What Catholics Really Believe have been national best sellers.
More by Karl Keating
Patriotism Begins at Home 07/03/2019
Present at the Creation 07/01/2017
Farewell to Catholic Answers 06/30/2017
How to Have Supernatural Life 06/05/2017
Statues Aren't Necessarily Idols 01/26/2017
Bart Brewer, a Priest Turned Anti-Catholic 01/10/2017
Argue to Explain, Not to Win 12/29/2016
You Too Can Be an Apologist 12/20/2016
Sounds of Silence 11/30/2016
Not a Reformation but a Revolution 11/01/2016
An Open Letter to Tim Kaine 09/14/2016
Who May Receive Communion—and Why 09/09/2016
Mercy and Apologetics 09/01/2016
How to Eliminate Pornography 08/19/2016
Hiroshima and Nagasaki 08/08/2016
Jews Hear the Truth About Pius XII 07/29/2016
Time to Snuff Out Electric Votive Candles 07/14/2016
Confession: A Pain that Ends in Joy 07/01/2016
Don't Let 'Em Get a Word in Edgewise 05/23/2016
The Tight Purse Strings of Catholics 05/09/2016
Smells and Bells 05/01/2016
Robert Sarah: The Best-Kept Papabile Secret 04/04/2016
Postcard from the Walled City 02/10/2016
A View from Florence 02/05/2016
Disagreeing Within the Family 01/25/2016
How Rod Dreher Escaped the Dark Wood 01/18/2016
Waiting for the Culture to Turn 01/11/2016
Gnosticism Is All Around Us 01/04/2016
"Debate or Else" 12/28/2015
There Was No Ur-Gospel 12/21/2015
The Futility of Starting Your Own Church 12/14/2015
Down the Literary Memory Hole 12/07/2015
Hoobert Heever Apologetics 11/16/2015
"I Know Nothing!" 11/09/2015
Using Proof Texts Is Okay 11/02/2015
What If This Child Lived to Be 110? 10/26/2015
Lucid Thinkers Need Not Apply 10/19/2015
Sometimes, It's Best Not to Innovate 10/12/2015
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