Dr Craig Turczynski is trained as a Reproductive Physiologist. His unique career path has led him to become an expert in restorative reproductive medicine and a Billings Ovulation Method Instructor. He has 27 years of experience in the health care field. He is especially passionate about working with couples that are seeking an alternative to IVF. Dr. Turczynski speaks nationally on semen analysis and male infertility from a Catholic perspective.
After completing his training, Craig directed the in-vitro fertilization, andrology, and hormone assay laboratories at Louisiana State University Medical Center-Shreveport where he also served as Assistant Professor of ObGyn and Embryologist.
After seeing the harm that Assisted Reproductive Technology frequently caused to patients, Dr. Turczynski left the field of IVF. His observations led him to believe that the aggressive use of this technology was not what was best for patients with infertility.
He subsequently received training in fertility awareness based methods including the Creighton Model and then became a certified teacher of the Billings Ovulation Method®. He now serves as the Director of Strategy and Scientific Affairs for the Billings Ovulation Method Association-USA. Craig also helps couples implement the Billings Ovulation Method ® to achieve pregnancy, diagnose infertility or monitor treatment protocols.
He also teaches the application of fertility awareness-based methods and restorative reproductive medicine to healthcare professionals. He believes in the intersection of virtue and science and that seeking the root cause of disease will lead to therapeutic cures.