Carol Everett was involved in the operation of four abortion clinics from 1977 to 1983, overseeing 35,000 pregnancy terminations. Her life changed when she came to know Christ, and today, she is committed to safeguarding the health of women and babies all over this nation, and to offer a message of hope to the men and women who have experienced a pregnancy loss.
Carol has been invited to share her testimony on national broadcasting programs with Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family, Dr. Marlon Maddox on Point of View, Dr. D. James Kennedy of Coral Ridge Ministries on Truths that Transform, Pat Robertson of the 700 Club, and more. She has the distinction of being summoned as an expert witness in courts of law throughout our nation, testifying in Washington D.C. and numerous state capitals.
Carol is president and founder of The Heidi Group, which was formed to network Resources for Women/Crisis Pregnancy Centers across the nation and offers services to the centers such as board strategic planning, fundraising, volunteer training, continuing education, etc. Carols life story is detailed in the book, Blood Money – Getting Rich off a Woman’s Right to Choose.