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Who We Are—The Religious Heritage of the Catholic Answers Staff

The Catholic Answers staff is a microcosm of the diversity of the Church. Like our extended family of donors, listeners, readers, viewers, and prayer supporters, we have come to the Faith from many different backgrounds. 

24 of us are cradle Catholics. We were born into the Faith, and though in the past some of us may have strayed from the Good Shepherd, we never left the flock.

8 are converts. At one time we were Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Lutheran, Seventh-day Adventist, Anglican, or “None.” But the Holy Spirit—working through those who defended and explained the Faith to us—brought us into full communion with the Church.

6 of us could be called “reverts.” We were baptized and maybe even raised nominally Catholic, but we fell away: into sects, into hedonism, into being “spiritual but not religious.” In time, though, God’s grace and a lot of loving and patient answers led us home.

We belong to Western parishes as well as Chaldean and Byzantine churches. We come from varied ethnic traditions: European, Latino, Filipino, Indian, Assyrian, and Jewish. Among us are a religious priest, a subdeacon, two lay Dominicans, and a secular Carmelite; we are lectors, ushers, catechists, and choir leaders.

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