SAN DIEGO, CA — As of January 1, 2018, radio stations owned by Relevant Radio® have decided to no longer carry Catholic Answers Live, for years the top-rated Catholic radio show in the U.S.
In 2017, Relevant Radio merged with the West Coast–based Immaculate Heart Radio, a network that had carried the two-hour call-in show live 3-5 p.m. Pacific Time. Catholic Answers, which for twenty years has produced the popular franchise, could not come to an agreement with Relevant Radio. Relevant approached Catholic Answers seeking exclusive broadcast and branding rights for Catholic Answers Live as conditions for continuing to air the show.
As a result, the show will no longer be available over the airwaves in the U.S. West, the home turf of the San Diego–based show.
“Both parties worked at length in good faith to find a way to cooperate in the Lord’s vineyard,” said Christopher Check, president of Catholic Answers. “For the time being, we have not been successful.”
Catholic Answers Live will continue to air live on more than 350 EWTN-affiliated radio stations and SiriusXM satellite radio, as well as via the Catholic Answers Live app and live-streaming video via Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Periscope.
“We are hopeful that in the future we will be able to work hand-in-hand with (Relevant Radio Executive Director/CEO) Fr. Francis Hoffman and the good folks at Relevant to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ,” Check said.
Catholic Answers Live listeners in the areas of the U.S. within the broadcast reach of Relevant Radio can still listen to or watch the program live weekdays 3-5 p.m. Pacific Time (6-8 p.m. Eastern) at:
Website: www.catholic.com/audio/listen-live
Catholic Answers Live app: https://www.catholic.com/audio/app
Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/catholicanswers/
YouTube Live: https://www.youtube.com/user/catholiccom
Twitter/Periscope: https://twitter.com/catholiccom
Catholic Answers is the largest lay-run Catholic apologetics and evangelization organization in the U.S. Through media—including radio; Catholic.com and Catholic Answers Forums, the world’s largest online discussion community; the printed word, including books, pamphlets, and a national magazine; free online videos and for-sale DVDs; live conferences and seminars; and one-on-one contact via email and phone—it works to help Catholics grow in their faith, bring former Catholics home, and lead non-Catholics into the fullness of the truth.
Some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Concerning Relevant Radio and Catholic Answers Live
Why can I no longer listen to Catholic Answers Live on my local Relevant Radio station?
Relevant Radio decided to stop broadcasting Catholic Answers Live, which Catholic Answers had provided to Relevant Radio at no cost. Catholic Answers wishes to continue to provide its program to Relevant Radio at no cost, just as it does to the EWTN Radio Network and to other independent radio stations across the country.
What is Relevant Radio?
Relevant Radio is a Catholic radio network headquartered in Green Bay, Wisconsin. In 2017, Relevant Radio acquired the California-based Immaculate Heart Radio network, which, like many other Catholic radio networks and stations, had carried Catholic Answers Live since its start in 1998.
Why is Relevant Radio no longer carrying Catholic Answers Live?
Relevant Radio required several conditions to continue to broadcast Catholic Answers Live on its network. Catholic Answers could not agree to these conditions because, in short, they amounted to Relevant Radio’s ownership of Catholic Answers Live. Among these conditions were:
- Relevant Radio would be the exclusive distributor/broadcaster of Catholic Answers Live;
- Catholic Answers Live would be branded a Relevant Radio program;
- Catholic Answers could no longer independently provide the show to other Catholic radio stations and networks, such as EWTN;
- Relevant Radio would archive episodes of Catholic Answers Live on the Relevant Radio website exclusively, meaning Catholic Answers would not be permitted to continue to archive the show on its own website, Catholic.com.
Why did Catholic Answers decline Relevant Radio’s proposal?
After extensive talks with the leadership of Relevant Radio, Catholic Answers president Christopher Check, the Catholic Answers board of trustees, and the Catholic Answers executive committee concluded that Relevant Radio’s conditions imposed unnecessary limits on Catholic Answers Live’s capacity to reach as many souls as possible. They also concluded that the conditions required by Relevant Radio ran contrary to one of Catholic Answers’ core operating principles: to work alongside as many ministries in the vineyard as it can. Further, Catholic Answers was concerned that branding Catholic Answers Live a Relevant Radio program would limit the program’s appeal to operators of non–Relevant Radio networks and stations and that it would especially injure Catholic Answers longstanding friendship with EWTN.
Will this decision hurt Catholic Answers financially?
It has the potential to do so. The loss of markets such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Phoenix—to say nothing of Catholic Answers’ home, San Diego—means that Catholic Answers will have to work harder in its home state and on the West Coast to spread the word about all its good works, products, and events. Catholic Answers is consecrated to Our Lady, and we have put our future in her care. We are very grateful for your generous support. If you want to help Catholic Answers continue to spread the gospel, you can make a gift by clicking here or calling 888-291-8000.
How can I continue to listen to Catholic Answers Live?
Download the Catholic Answers Live App here. And encourage others to do so through social media and email. Listeners in the areas of the U.S. within the broadcast reach of Relevant Radio can still listen to or watch Catholic Answers Live weekdays 3-5 p.m. Pacific Time (6-8 p.m. Eastern) at:
Website: www.catholic.com/audio/listen-live
Catholic Answers Live app: https://www.catholic.com/audio/app
Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/catholicanswers/
YouTube Live: https://www.youtube.com/user/catholiccom
Twitter/Periscope: https://twitter.com/catholiccom
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