I am forty-eight, married for eighteen years, and have five children (ages nine to sixteen). I am a cradle Catholic who has always believed and never lost faith but got lazy in college. That’s a time in my life I’ll forever regret. I started going back to Mass when I got married in the Church, and though I was not ‘on fire’ with the Faith, I always felt the Holy Spirit tugging at me.
“The change came seven years ago when I started listening to Catholic Answers Live. Jimmy Akin and Tim Staples changed my life for the better. I discovered that every question about faith and morals has a sound CATHOLIC ANSWER, and it made me fall in love with Christ and his Church and to want more.
“So in 2011, I started getting heavily involved in my parish’s faith formation activities. After several years of this (and additional years of Tim Staples and Jimmy Akin), in 2015 I decided to enter diaconate formation in the Archdiocese of Baltimore in 2015. I’m in the third year of a four-year program, and, God willing, I’ll be ordained May 25, 2019.
“Tim Staples and Jimmy Akin are personally responsible for my being in the diaconate program and for my forthcoming ordination. And in whatever parish I am assigned as a deacon in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, I will be telling parishioners about Catholic Answers and how vital it is that we listen to the show and browse the site to learn about our Catholic Faith—a faith that is a true gift from God.
—Michael McKinney, Phoenix, Maryland