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Author Counsels How to Share Sensitive Topics

Leila Miller, co-author of our best-selling book Made This Way, graced Catholic Answers with her presence October 21, and her dynamic personality made for a great segment of Catholic Answers Live. There is much confusion about how adults should handle sensitive issues, especially new gender ideologies, with children, so Leila teamed up with co-author Trent Horn to advise callers who had experienced those difficult moral situations firsthand. 

During the show, Trent, Leila, and host Cy Kellett received calls from parents, grandparents, educators, students, and clergy. The questions ranged from how to counsel school-aged children on what to think when they meet transgender peers, to questions regarding family dynamics that challenge morality. 

Leila shared her unique experience as a mother and Catholic blogger/author with each caller. She was cheerful and clear about her message: God loves us and created us for truth, even difficult truths. The Catholic Answers staff was able to visit with her throughout the day and get their books signed. 

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