Archbishop Alexander Sample of Portland, Oregon, will be in San Diego to address the crisis of faith in America today. He will be delivering the keynote address at Catholic Answers’ National Conference September 4-6.
The theme of the conference is “Defending the Faith Today,” and it will deal with the grave challenges and great opportunities that the Catholic faithful have before them.
“We are living in the midst of an aggressively anti-Christian culture,” said Christopher Check, Catholic Answers’ director of development. “When Harvard University—regarded by many as our country’s most prestigious institution of higher learning—actually entertains the idea of hosting a ‘black Mass’ on campus, we can’t conclude anything else.
“Yet our Lord does not call us to retreat in the face of evil but to march forward with the gospel and with our daily example of joy. Archbishop Sample is the ideal guest of honor for our upcoming conference, because he is answering this call with extraordinary fortitude and grace.
“Oregon is shaping up to be the next battleground in the war on marriage,” Check said, “and Archbishop Sample has made the defense of marriage a top priority. His eloquent and courageous defense in the public square both of the natural law and of revealed truth sets the example for all Catholics.”
In addition to keynoting the conference, Archbishop Sample will appear on a special broadcast of Catholic Answers Live, the top-rated show in Catholic radio. He and host Patrick Coffin will field questions directly from attendees at the site of the conference. Archbishop Sample will also offer Mass on Saturday evening before the conference’s dinner banquet.
The event will be held in San Diego at the Sheraton Hotel and Marina. Last year’s conference sold out months in advance, so Catholic Answers has arranged a larger venue and a better hotel room rate this year to help as many people as want to attend to be able to do so. For more information about the conference, and to take advantage of special registration discounts, including deep discounts for groups of ten or more, visit CatholicAnswersConference.com.