“If you only knew how many things I want to say and don’t!” This was the protestation of Anne Shirley, the chatty heroine of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables books. We sympathize.
We do say a lot here at Catholic Answers: on our daily radio show, in our books and video courses, in our print and online magazines, on social media and podcasts, and through our seminars and speakers around the country and the world. Each day, from buzzer to buzzer, we are occupied with defending the Faith.
But the enemies of the Faith don’t rest. The daily headlines are proof enough that the world doesn’t stop churning out challenges to—or misrepresentations of, or teachable moments for clarifying—Catholic belief.
So there’s still more we want to say: to help you make sense of what’s going on, and to help you formulate your own defenses of truth and sanity, your own evangelical counter-incursions into the godless territory of our modern culture.
This is why today we are launching Indulgences, the Catholic Answers blog. We think the name (which calls to mind one of the most notorious hobbyhorses of anti-Catholicism and also signals a humble request to let us get a few things off our chest) is fitting. We hope its content—short entries commenting on both the times and the eternities, as Thoreau put it—will be edifying. And we promise that our contributors will be faithful to Christ and his Church to the last; and, almost as important, never boring.