A lot of people in the social sphere are upset with Sam Smith’s and Kim Petras’s performance of their song “Unholy” at the Grammys. I didn’t watch the entire thing—there are plenty of other, more interesting things to watch online—but I do want to address this from my perspective.
I remember the “Satanic Panic” of the 1980’s. The only thing that accomplished was bringing all these crazy bands that conservative Christian parents were freaking out about to the attention of kids like me. And we gobbled that stuff up.
Stunts like this have only increased since the days of my youth. These performers do it because they know it works. Offend the largest number of people possible, bask in the attention, and then head to the bank and cash that check. Rinse and repeat.
I’d like to urge caution on how we respond to these things. Smith’s and Petras’s performance was obviously meant to get a rise out of Christians, and we so eagerly add fuel to that fire. But should we?
Before you post your opinion on social, be sure to review it. Is it charitable? Does it lack empathy? Are you firm in your faith without the appearance of an unhinged fanatic? If you can check those boxes, then hit the “publish” button and fight the good fight.