Mariales, XANTES, Dominican, b. about 1580; d. at Venice in April, 1660. He was of a noble Venetian family. At an early age he entered the Dominican convent of Sts. John and Paul. Remarkable for his versatility and prodigious memory, he was soon sent to Spain, where he completed his studies. He first taught at Venice, then at Padua where he thrice exercised the office of regent. From 1624 onwards he led a most retired life at Venice, devoting his time exclusively to prayer, reading, and study. He possessed in a. high degree the more kindly and winsome external accomplishments. In his writings he displayed such zeal for the Holy See that he was twice exiled by the Venetian senate. At Milan, Ferrara, and Bologna where he took refuge, he was greatly esteemed for his learning and holiness. He died at Venice from a stroke of apoplexy. The obsequies were honored by the presence of the Venetian nobility. Among his works the following are noteworthy: “Controversiae ad universam Summam theol. S. Th. Aq.” (Venice, 1624); “Amplissimum artium scientiarumque omnium amphitheatrum” (Bologna, 1658).