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William Rishanger

Chronicler, b. at Rishangles, Suffolk, about 1250; d. after 1312

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Rishanger, WILLIAM, chronicler, b. at Rishangles, Suffolk, about 1250; d. after 1312. He became a Benedictine at St. Alban’s Abbey, Hertfordshire in 1271, and there revived the custom of composing chronicles which had languished since the time of Matthew Paris. His chief work is the history of the Barons’ Wars, “Narratio de bellis apud Lewes et Evesham”, covering the period from 1258 to 1267 and including a reference which shows that he was still engaged on it on May 3, 1312. Apart from its historical matter which is derived from Matthew Paris and his continuators, it is interesting for the evidence it affords of the extreme veneration in which Simon de Montfort was held at that time. He also wrote a short chronicle about Edward I, “Qudam recapitulatio brevis de gestis domini Edwardi”. It is possible, though not very probable, that he wrote the earlier part of a chronicle, “Willelmi Rishanger, monachi S. Albani, Chronica”. Four other works attributed to him by Bale are not authentic.


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