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William Perault

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William Perault (PERAULD, PERALDUS, PERALTUS), writer and preacher, b. at Perault, France; d. at Lyons; the date of his death is disputed, some placing it before 1260, others extending it to about 1270 or 1275. He studied at the University of Paris, and there, being drawn to the religious life by the preaching perhaps of Blessed Jordan of Saxony, he was received into the Dominican Order. It is thought that Perault was somewhat advanced in years when he embraced the religious state, although the precise date of his entrance into it is also unknown. He entered the order at Paris, but was destined, according to a custom then existing, for the convent at Lyons. At Lyons, where he passed his life, at once contemplative and active, he rendered untold service to the Church by the brilliancy of his writings and preaching and by the charm and splendor of his virtues. His part in ecclesiastical affairs was for a time also very important. For fully ten years he performed all the episcopal functions of the Church of Lyons, having been chosen for this work during the vacancy of the see by Philip of Savoy who, although not in Holy orders, bore the title of Archbishop of Lyons from 1245 to 1267. Because of Perault’s long labors in ministering to the needs of the diocese, he himself came to be known as the Bishop or Archbishop of Lyons. This error was further emphasized by the title of bishop which a later hand added to many of his writings. While, then, we are assured by such trustworthy authors as Gerson, Pere Alexandre, Echard, and Hurter that William Perault was never Archbishop of Lyons, as the authors of the “Gallia christiana” would have us believe, M. Dupin is by no means justified on the other hand in saying that he was never more than a religious of the Order of Preachers (cf. Touron, “Hist. des hommes illust.”, 1, 1. 2, 184). Known and reverenced far and wide for singular gifts of nature and grace, he was a man truly powerful in word and work—well deserving the triple title given him by all, of monk, doctor, and apostle.

His most important works are: “Summa de virtutibus et vitiis” (Cologne, 1497, 1618, 1629; Venice, 1492, 1497; Rome, 1557; Lyons, 1668); “Sermones de tempore et de sanctis”, which appeared under the name of William III of Paris (Paris, 1494; Cologne, 1629); “De eruditione seu de institutione religiosorum” (Paris, 1512; Louvain, 1575; Lyons, 1585); “De regimine principum”, which, as in the Roman edition of 1570, was attributed to St. Thomas and of which, in fact, St. Thomas wrote a part: “Speculum religiosorum seu institutionum vitae spiritualis”, which appeared under the name of Humbert V, Master-General of the Order of Preachers.


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