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Teuchira, a titular see in Libyan Pentapolis. Teuchira, Teucheira, neuter plural, was a city on the coast of Cyrenaica, 200 stadia west of Ptolemais. It was celebrated for its worship of Cybele, in whose honor annual festivals were held. During the reign of the Ptolemies it was called Arsine; at a later period it became a. Roman colony, and was garrisoned by Justinian. The ruins are called Tokra (vilayet of Benghasi). Two of its bishops are known, Secundus, at the Council of Nicaea in 325, and Zeno, at that of Ephesus in 431 (Le Quien, “Oriens ehrist.”, II, 623). The see is mentioned in Parthey (Notitia episcopatuum, I) about 840.
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