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Stephan Wiest

Member of the Order of Cistercians, b. at Teisbach in Lower Bavaria, March 7 1748; d. at Aldersbad, April 10, 1797

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Wiest, STEPHAN, member of the Order of Cistercians, b. at Teisbach in Lower Bavaria, March 7 1748; d. at Aldersbad, April 10, 1797. He attended the gymnasium at Landshut, and in 1767 entered the Cistercian monastery of Aldersbach in Lower Bavaria, where he studied philosophy and theology, took the vows, October 28, 1768, and was ordained priest, 1772. He continued his studies at the University of Ingolstadt. From 1774-80 he taught philosophy and mathematics, and from 1780-81 theology, at Aldersbach. In 1781 he was made professor of dogmatic theology at Ingolstadt, where he also taught patrology and the history of, theological literature. He was rector of the university, 1787-88, resigned his professorship in 1794, and returned to his monastery. Wiest has an honorable place in the history of Catholic theology of the eighteenth century as a positive dogmatist, well versed in theological literature. His chief work, “Institutiones theologici” (6 vols., Eichsttitt, 1782-86; Ingolstadt, 1788-89; 2nd ed., Ingolstadt, 1788-1801), is valuable for its abundance of positive and historical material, though the treatment of the speculative side is scanty. “Institutiones theologiae dogmaticae in usum academicum” (2 vols., Ingolstadt, 1791) is a compendium, of which two posthumous editions appeared at Landshut (1817; 1825). The most important of his other works are: “Introductio in historiam litterariam theologise revelatse potissimum catholic” (Ingolstadt, 1794); “Institutiones Patrologise in usum academicum” (Ingolstadt, 1795); and four dissertations in the university yearbook: “De Wolfgango Mario Abbate Alderspacensi Ord. Cist.” (I-IV, Ingolstadt, 1788-92).


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