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Sisters of the Temple

Full title 'Sisters of the Finding of Jesus in the Temple'; a pre-Reformation foundation

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Temple, SISTERS OF THE.—The Sisters of the Temple (whose full title is SISTERS OF THE FINDING OF JESUS IN THE TEMPLE) are a pre-Reformation foundation. They were established in London for educational purposes at the time of the Crusades by a dean whose name has not come down to us. They spread widely in England in the following centuries, but were driven into exile at the Reformation. In 1860 Cardinal Wiseman, with the generous help of the Abbe Roullin, reestablished them in the Archdiocese of Westminster, whence they moved to Clifton. But it was not until a house was opened at Vernon, Normandy, that they began once more to flourish; from Vernon they have opened six houses in France and Belgium, and now number 170 sisters. They have a home for invalid priests at Clifton, and the chief work of the sisters now is nursing among all classes of society. They are known as the Blue Nuns in England and France, from the blue habit they wear.


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