Simeon of Durham (SYMEON), chronicler, d. October 14, between 1130 and 1138. As a youth he had entered the Benedictine monastery at Jarrow which was removed to Durham in 1074, and he was professeci in 1085 or 1086, subsequently attaining the office of precentor. His chief work is the “Historia ecclesice Dunelmensis”, written between 1104 and 1108, giving the history of the bishopric down to 1096. He also wrote “Historia regum Anglorum et Dacorum” (from 732 to 1129). The first part down to to 957 is based on a northern annalist who made large use of Asser; the next part, to 1119, follows Florence of Worcester; the remainder is an original composition. Simeon‘s authorship of this work was vindicated by Rudd (in 1732) against Bale and Selden. He wrote some minor works including “Epistola ad Hugonem de archiepiscopal Eboraci,” written about 1130, and some letters now lost.