Anazco, Pedro DE, b. at Chachapoyas (Peru) in 1550; d. at Asuncion, Paraguay, 1605. His father was Pedro de Anazco, a Spanish captain, companion of Belalcazar in the conquest of Ecuador; and through him, it is said, the first notice of the “Dorado” of Guataviti reached the Spaniards in Ecuador. At the age of twenty-two Afiazco became a Jesuit. In 1577 he was sent to Julf, on Lake Titicaca. Thence he passed to the Chaco tribe among the Abipones and, in 1593, to Paraguay, where he died. He was an indefatigable missionary and a zealous student of Indian languages. Highly respectable authorities, like Gonzalez Davila and Lozano, credit him with having composed grammars, “doctrines”, and catechisms in nine different Indian languages of South America.