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Nicholas Papini

Historian, b. at San Giovanni Valdarno, between Florence and Arezzo, about 1751; d. at Terni, Umbria, Dec. 16, 1834

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Papini, NICHOLAS, historian, b. at San Giovanni Valdarno, between Florence and Arezzo, about 1751; d. at Terni, Umbria, December 16, 1834. Having entered the Order of the Conventuals he taught Italian literature at Modena, was secretary of the Provincial of Tuscany, custos of the Sacred Convent of Assisi, 1800 (?) -1803, a short time guardian of Dodici Apostoli at Rome, and finally named Minister General of the Conventuals 1803-09. Later on he lived at Assisi and Terni, where he is buried. His printed works are “L’Etruria Francescana o vero raccolta di notizie storiche interessanti l’Ordine de FF. Minori Conventuali di S. Francesco in Toscana”, I, Siena, 1797; “Notizie sicure della morte, sepoltura, canoniz-zazione e traslazione di S. Francesco d’Assisi e del ritrovamento del di lui corpo”, 2nd ed., Foligno, 1824; “Storia del Perdono d’Assisi con documenti e osservazioni”, Florence, 1824; “La Storia di S. Francesco di Assisi, opera critica,” 2 vols., Foligno, 1827.


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