Szentivanyi, MARTIN, b. at Szentivan, Hungary, October 20, 1633; d. at Nagy-Szombi t (Tyrnau), March 5, 1708. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1653, and was professor of Scripture for five years at Vienna and Nagy-Szombat, professor of mathematics and philosophy for nine years, and professor of canon law and theology for seven years. For twelve years he filled the office of chancellor of the University of Nagy-Szombdt, and in addition was for nine successive years governor of the Pasmaneum in Vienna and of the academy at Nagy-Szombat. His numerous writings appeared in Hungarian, Latin, German, and Slovak, and some were translated into French. The most important are: “Curiosiora et selectiora variarum scientiarum miscellanea in tres partes divisa” (Tyrnau, 1689); “Dissertationes septem, etc.” (Tyrnau, 1689); “Rectus modus interpretandi scripturam sacram” (Tyrnau, 1696); “Summarium chronologiae Hungariae” (Tyrnau, 1697); “Hungaria in immaculatam conceptionem b. Mari ae virgins magnae dominae suae credens et iuvans” (Tyrnau, 1701); “Doctrina fidei christianae” (Louvain, 1708); “Lutheranicum nunquam et nusquam” (Tyrnau, 1702); “Relatio status futurae vitae” (Tyrnau, 1699); “Dissertationes haeresiologico-polemicae de haeresiarchis, hresibus, et erroribus in fide, dogmatibus, hoc mculo nostro (Tyrnau, 1701); “Solutiones catholicae, etc.” (Tyrnau, 1701); “Quinquaginta rationes et motiva cur in tanta varietate religionum et confessionum fidei in christianitate moderno tempore vigentium, sola religio Romano-catholica sit eligenda et omnibus aliis preferenda” (Tyrnau, 1701; German and Hungarian, Tyrnau, 1702).