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Giacomo Nacchiante

Dominican theologian, b. at Florence; d. at Chioggia, May 6, 1569

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Nacchiante (Naclantus), Giacomo, Dominican theologian, b. at Florence; d. at Chioggia, May 6, 1569; he studied at Bologna, where Michael Ghislieri, afterwards Pius V, was his fellow-student. He subsequently taught philosophy and theology for a number of years, in the college of St. Thomas of Minerva, Rome. Paul III, struck with his talents, made him Bishop of Chioggia (June 3, 1544). At the Council of Trent his vigorous protest against the words of the decree of the IV Session (April 8, 1546), which asserts that the traditions of the Church are to be received with the same reverence and piety as the Scriptures, last some suspicions on his orthodoxy; but he gave a reverent assent to the decree, when he saw it confirmed by the authority of so great an assembly. Other serious suspicions of his orthodoxy seem afterwards to have arisen, but as Pallavicini remarks, his memory is vindicated from such charges by the grave affairs of trust which were assigned him under Pius IV. His works were published by Pietro Fratino at Venice in 1567. Among the more important are “Enarrationes… in ep. D. Pauli ad Ephesios”; “In ep. ad Romanos”; “S. Scriptures medulla”; “Tractationes XVIII theologales”; “Theoremata metaphysica”; “Theoremata theologica”


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