Feuardent, FRANCOIS, Franciscan, theologian and preacher of the Ligue, b. at Coutances, Normandy, in 1539; d. at Paris, January 1, 1610. Having completed his humanities at Bayeux, he joined the Friars Minor. After the novitiate, he was sent to Paris to continue his studies, where he received (1576) the degree of Doctor in Theology and taught with great success at the university. He took a leading part in the political and religious troubles in which France was involved at that time. With John Boucher and Bishop Rose of Senlis, he was one of the foremost preachers in the cause of the Catholic Ligue, and, as Roennus remarks in an appendix to Feuardent’s “Theomachia”, there was not a church in Paris in which he had not preached. Throughout France and beyond the frontiers in Lorraine and Flanders, he was an eloquent and ardent defender of the Faith. Nevertheless, even Pierre de l’Etoile, a fierce adversary of the Ligue, recognizes in his “Memoires” the merits of Feuardent’s subsequent efforts in pacifying the country. In his old age he retired to the convent of Bayeux, which he restored and furnished with a good library. His works can be conveniently grouped in three classes: (1) Scriptural; (2) patristical; (3) controversial. Only some of the most remarkable may be pointed out here. (1) A new edition of the medieval Scripturist, Nicholas of Lyra: “Biblia Sacra, cum glossa ordinaries … et postilla, Nicolai Lyrani” (Paris, 1590, 6 vols. fol.). He also wrote commentaries on various books of Holy Scripture on Ruth, Esther, Job, Jonas, the two Epistles of St. Peter, the Epistles of St. Jude and St. James, the Epistle of St. Paul to Philemon, and others. (2) “S. Irenaei Lugd. episcopi adversus Valentini … haereses libri quinque” (Paris, 1576); “S. Ildephonsi archiepiscopi Toletani de virginitate Mari ae liber” (Paris, 1576). Feuardent also wrote an introduction and notes to “Michaelis Pselli Dialogus de energies seu operations dcmonum translatus a Petro Morello” (Paris, 1577). (3) “Appendix ad libros Alphonsi a Castro (O.F.M.) contra hreses” (Paris, 1578). “Theomachia Calvinistica”, his chief work is based on some earlier writings, such as: “Semaine premiere des dialogues auxquels sont examinees et refutees 174 erreurs des Calvinistes” (1585); “Seconde semaine des dialogues …” (Paris, 1598); “Entremangeries et guerres ministrales …” (Caen, 1601).