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Clement Schrader

Jesuit theologian, b. at Itzum, in Hanover, Nov., 1820; d. at Poitiers Feb. 23, 1875

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Schrader, CLEMENT, Jesuit theologian, b. at Itziim, in Hanover, November, 1820; d. at Poitiers February 23, 1875. He studied at the German College at Rome (1840-48) and entered the Society of Jesus on May 17, 1848. For a time he filled the post of prefect of studies in the German College; subsequently he lectured in the Roman College on dogmatic theology, and later on joined the theological faculty of Vienna. In 1867 he became a member of the theological commission appointed to prepare the preliminaries for the Vatican Council. On his refusal to take the oath of fidelity to the Constitution of 1867 he was, not long after the council had been prorogued, deprived of his professorship by the Austrian Government. The remainder of his life was devoted to the teaching of theology in the Catholic University of Poitiers where he succumbed to an attack of pneumonia. Schrader’s thorough grasp of scholastic theology is evidenced by the many works that bear his name. Chief among these are: “De Deo Creante”; “De triplici Ordine”; eight series of these, dealing with various theological questions, e.g. predestination, actual grace, faith, human society; “De unitate Romana” (according to Hurter, by far his ablest work). He assisted Passaglia in several of his works, notably in the latter’s monumental treatise on the Immaculate Conception. He was also actively engaged in the conduct of a periodical published at Vienna (1864-67), and entitled “Der Papst and die modernen Ideen”. The Syllabus of Pius IX is given in a German translation and a number of counter propositions added with a view to bringing out in clearer light the exact significance of the errors condemned in the Syllabus.


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