Carayon, AUGUSTE, French author and bibliographer, b. in Saumur, France, March 31, 1813; d. at Poitiers, May 15, 1874. He joined the Society of Jesus in 1848, and was at various times librarian and procurator. He edited many historical works between 1864 and 1874, and is considered a leading authority upon the history of his order, especially in New France. His principal works are: “Bibliographie historique de la Compagnie de Jesus (Paris, 1864); “Documents inedits concernant la Compagnie de Jesus” (Poitiers, 1863-1874, 18 vols.); “Premiere mission des Jesuites au Canada” (Paris, 1864); “Bannissement des Jesuites de la Louisiane” (1865); “Etablissement de la Compagnie de Jesus a Brest par Louis XIV” (Paris, 1865); “Les prisons du Marquis de Pombal” (1865); “Notes historiques sur les parlements et les Jesuites au XVIIIe siecle” (Paris, 1867). Carayon is also the author of several devotional treatises published between 1854 and 1863.