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Antonio Neri

Florentine chemist, b. in Florence m the sixteenth century; d. 1614, place unknown

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Neri, ANTONIO, Florentine chemist, b. in Florence m the sixteenth century; d. 1614, place unknown. We have but few details of his life; Dr. Merret, an English physician, who translated his work only fifty years after its first publication, states in his preface that he could find no account whatever of the author. It is known however that he was a priest and devoted to the study of chemistry: he traveled somewhat extensively in Italy and Holland, and during these journeys gained a great deal of information concerning the manufacture of glass and its treatment for various purposes. This knowledge he gave to the world in his book “L’Arte Vetraria”, which for a long time formed the basis of most other works on this subject. It is a book rich in detail, giving the then known methods of making glass, of coloring it, and of imitating precious stones. The original work has appeared in three editions: Florence, 1612; Florence, 1661; and Milan, 1817. In 1662 Merret translated it into Latin, adding to it notes and a commentary of his own: this was published at Amsterdam in 1668 and again in 1681. It was translated into German by Johann Kunckel, who published a revised and enlarged edition of it in 1689. About a century later there appeared the French edition, “Art de la Verrerie de Neri, Merret et Kunckel”, etc., “Traduits de l’Allemand par M. D * * *” (Paris, 1752).


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