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Antipope, a false claimant of the Holy See in opposition to a pontiff canonically elected. At various times in the history of the Church illegal pretenders to the Papal Chair have arisen, and frequently exercised pontifical functions in defiance of the true occupant. According to Hergenrother, the last antipope was Felix V (1439-49). The same authority enumerates twenty-nine in the following order: Hippolytus(?), III century.
Novatian, 251.
Felix II, 355-365.
Ursicinus, 366-367.
Eulalius, 418-419.
Laurentius, 498-501.
Constantine II, 767.
Philip, VIII century.
Anastasius, 855.
Leo V III, 956-963.
Boniface VII, 974.
John XVI, X century.
Gregory, 1012.
Sylvester III, 1044.
Benedict X, 1058
Honorius II, 1061-72
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