Alger of Liege, a learned French priest, b. at Liege, about 1055; d. at Cluny, 1132. He studied at Liege and was appointed Deacon of St. Bartholomew‘s. About 1100, he was made Canon of the cathedral of St. Lambert, where he remained for twenty years. In 1121, he retired to the Monastery at Cluny, and died there. He was well known as an ecclesiastical writer. A treatise directed against the heresy of Berengarius, “De sacramento corporis et sanguinis Domini” was highly esteemed by Peter of Cluny and Erasmus. He also wrote “De misericordia et justitia”, extracts from the Fathers with brief commentaries on them; a work on Free Will, and one on the “Sacrifice of the Mass“. This is contained in the “Collectio Scriptorum Veterum” of Angelo Mai.