Barbosa, AGOSTINO, a noted canonist, b. at Guimaraens, Portugal, in 1589; consecrated in Rome, March 22, 1649, Bishop of Ugento in Otranto, Italy, he died seven months later. Having studied canon law in his native land, he went to Rome. Being without books, his astounding memory served him instead. Sanctity and affability won for him entrance into the libraries of the city, where he passed long hours reading sedulously and memorizing without effort, so that returning to his room he was able to put in writing the fruits of the day’s labor. About 1632 he went to Madrid, where he applied himself to writing and fulfilled various duties confided to him till 1648.
Among Barbosa’s many writings, all of which evidence intimate acquaintance with authors, sources, and controverted questions, we mention the following: “Pastoralis Sollicitudinis, sive de Officio et Potestate Episcopi Tripartita Descriptio” (Rome, 1621; Lyons, 1629; in folio, 1641, 1650, etc.). A similar work relating to parish priests was published in Rome in 1632, Lyons, 1634, Geneva, 1662, Venice, 1705, in quarto. “Variae Juris Tractationes” (in folio, Lyons, 1631 and 1644; Strasburg, 1652). “Juris Ecclesiastici Universi Libri III” (Lyons, 1633, 1645, 1718). All the canonical works of Barbosa were published at Lyons, 1657-75, in 19 vols. in quinto, 16 vols. in folio, and again, 1698-1716, 20 vols. in quinto, 18 vols. in folio.