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Abbey of Miridite

Name of an abbatia nullius in Albania

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Miridite, Abbey of (MIRIDITARUM, or SANCTI ALEXANDRI DE OROSHI), the name of an abbatia nullius in Albania, where there formerly stood a Benedictine abbey, now destroyed, dedicated to St. Alexander, martyr. By decree of October 25, 1888, this abbey with its two affiliated parishes, together with five other parishes in the Diocese of Ljes (Alessio, or Alise), were removed from the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Ljes. In 1890 three parishes from the Diocese of Sappa were added, and in 1894 five from Ljes. The country forms part of the Turkish dominions in Europe and is inhabited by Mohammedans, Greek Schismatics, and Catholics. The Catholics number 16,550, and are under the care of secular and regular clergy. The abbot is chosen from among the secular clergy. The present abbot, Msgr. Primus Docchi, who resides at Oroshi was born at Bulgri, February 7, 1846, and studied at the Propaganda College, Rome. The Franciscans have a parish and a hospital at Gomsice.


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