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The Impostor Hypothesis

DAY 211


“The Gospels say the disciples had difficulty recognizing Jesus after the Resurrection (Matt. 28:17; Mark 16:12; Luke 24:13–31; John 20:13–16, 21:4–7). So maybe he was actually replaced by an impostor.”


The passages cited do not support the proposal.

Matthew 28:17 states: “When they saw him they worshiped him; but some doubted.” We are not told what they doubted. Were they doubt- ing it was Jesus? Were they seeing Jesus but thinking he was a ghost (cf. Luke 24:36–43)? Is this just a way of saying they were amazed? (As when we say, “I can’t believe it!” meaning “I’m stunned!”) Supposing some did doubt it was Jesus, this was likely because they initially saw him at a distance. The next verse says, “and Jesus came” and spoke to them (Matt. 28:18).

Recognizing someone at a distance is frequently difficult, and this is the natural explanation of John 21:4–7, where the disciples are fishing on the Sea of Galilee and Jesus calls to them from the shore. When they arrive on shore and see him up close, John records (to clear up any potential confusion): “None of the disciples dared ask him, ‘Who are you?’ They knew it was the Lord” (21:12).

Distance may also be involved in John 20:13–16, where Mary Mag- dalen is weeping and doesn’t initially recognize Jesus. The text suggests she got only a brief glimpse amid her tears, but when he said her name, “she turned” (v. 16), got a clear look at him, and recognized him.

Mark 16:12 and Luke 24:13–31 refer to an event where Jesus mi- raculously kept two from recognizing him. Mark says he appeared “in another form” and Luke indicates they spent time together, but suddenly recognized him when he broke bread in their presence and miraculously vanished.

These passages must be set against those where the disciples imme- diately recognize Jesus without any questions about his identity (Matt. 28:9; Mark 16:9, 14; Luke 23:34, 36–43; John 20:19–20, 26–28).

Further, it is very improbable that an impostor could convince the disciples he was Jesus. Why would they think someone they’d never seen before was the man they’d spent three years with? If there was an impostor, what was his motive? How was Jesus’ body removed from the guarded tomb? And how did the impostor ascend into heaven be- fore the disciples?

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