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Transgender Totalitarianism

A recent survey shows for the first time a drop in support for LGBT+ among 18- to 34-year-olds. Trent shows how our culture’s mandate to accept transgender ideology has created a backlash among young people who prefer facts to fantasy.

Speaker 1: Welcome to The Council of Trent Podcast, a production of Catholic Answers.

Trent Horn: GLAAD, Gays and Lesbians Allied Against Discrimination, though that was the full name of the organization. Now it’s just known as GLAAD because they want to be inclusive of all of the different sexual minorities that exist in the full acronym, LGBTQQIAI2SB+, that are out there, released a survey, released its Fifth Annual Accelerating Acceptance Index, I believe it’s this past Monday. According to Time Magazine, the index is a national survey of nearly 1,800 American adults who were asked to rate their position on a scale of very uncomfortable to comfortable to prompted situations like quote, “Having LGBT members at my place of worship. Learning a family member is LGBT. And learning my child has a lesson on LGBT history in school.” In doing so, the goal of the survey is to track Americans’ attitudes toward LGBTQ people in everyday scenarios and then advocate to further acceptance.

Trent Horn: Though the survey presented a disheartening view for GLAAD and other members of the LGBT plus community, because 18 to 34-year-olds for the first time ever have registered a drop in their support for LGBT+ positions and saying they’re uncomfortable in these scenarios. So I want to dive into that today to explain what’s going on and how we as people of faith can use this as kind of a wedge, as a way to show our faith to the world, that our faith makes sense, it’s true, it’s good, it’s beautiful. And ultimately, when you depart from the Catholic faith, and you depart from reason in what God has revealed, you end up into pure insanity. Frank Sheed wrote a lot on this, theology and sanity. Not that someone is clinically insane, but they’ve lost their grasp of reason when they’ve departed from the reason, revelation that God has given us. And you get into all of this nonsense, quite frankly.

Trent Horn: So I want to talk about that today, but I also want to give a big shout out to our supporters at You guys are great. We’ve been really growing in support, our podcast downloads have been increasing. This really helps people get to know more about what we’re doing here at Catholic Answers, what the Council of Trent is doing, and equipping them to be able to talk about these tough issues. I try to make it a point on this podcast to talk about things that are happening out in the world to give you practical tools to be able to dialogue about these issues. I know on some recent episodes a lot of LGBT+. I mean I did a whole Trent Track series called The Catholic Guide to LGBT+, which by the way is free to silver level subscribers at, because that is where our faith is intersecting.

Trent Horn: Now, this is where the clash is. I mean, 1,700 years ago, people were fighting about, is Jesus homoousios? Is he the same kind of being as the father, or is he homoiusios? Is he of like divinity but not really fully divine like the father? That’s what grasps the world because other issues related to sexual morality, even many pagans are right on board and saw what was right and what was wrong. Nowadays, it is, I really believe the LGBT+ issues are a touchstone for this. That for many people, to be told that sexual behavior between two men or two women is wrong, for them that is as incomprehensible as saying that the earth is flat. That if I were to say to you, “Well, to be a Christian, you have to believe in a flat earth.” They would say, “Well, I just can’t be a Christian. It’s contradictory.”.

Trent Horn: For many other people I think the LGBT issues are of that same visceral foundation for them, that they can’t give them up. I mean, if you recall in my debate with Dan Barker last year at the university of Minnesota, he launched all kinds of arguments against the Bible. One of his arguments against the Bible was to say, “Look, if the Bible says homosexuality is wrong, then the Bible is wrong.” That was the intonation, the inflection that he used. Although in my rebuttal, I pointed out that Barker has no basis for his sexual ethics whatsoever. He can’t say that prostitution, polygamy, consensual adult incest, he has … If he just believes in consent and loving adults doing whatever they want when they consent with each other, the door is open for all kinds of things that most people have significant moral problems with.

Trent Horn: So however, there is a glimmer of hope that people can see that young people aren’t fully embracing this, even though it’s really being pushed down their throat. In fact, I have a video I want to show you here in a little bit of a young person fighting back and basically verbally having it pushed down his throat in a sense. So the where it’s being pushed, for example, I went and saw Spider-Man: Far from Home last night, and I liked it. There were things in it I liked more than Spider-Man: Homecoming, although I think the villain, Michael Keaton was way better in Spider-Man: Homecoming than in Far From Home. Jake Gyllenhaal though, I think it’s actually pronounced Jake Whoenhall, he did a good job as Mysterio and you know what? Hey, by the way, go to leave a comment under this episode. I’ve thought about, well, we’re going to do hopefully soon more YouTube videos related to the podcast.

Trent Horn: I love to do some movie reviews, especially with movies that intersect with our faith. So if you’re interested in some weekly movie reviews for me, let me know. Leave a comment You don’t have to be a subscriber, you can just go to the website, leave a comment under this episode. If you’d like to hear movie reviews from me, maybe on YouTube for example, I’m willing to consider it. The reason I bring up Spider-man though. When I went there is I remembered that this is the first Marvel movie, I think to cast a transgender actor, Zach Barrick, who I believe is a biological woman who portrays herself as a man and she is one of Peter’s classmates. So was identified as a male classmate in the film. But honestly, I don’t even remember this character from the film. It was very, very brief.

Trent Horn: Because I think Marvel knows that even many pundits, academics, you know, people who live just in coastal bubbles in their particular bubbles, they think, “Oh, everyone should just be in favor of LGBT+ and everyone else are bigots.” You know, if you look at the new Taylor Swift video, Taylor Swift did an anthem about LGBT+ issues and she’s in there and the people who disagree with her are all portrayed as ignorant, disheveled toothless hicks basically in this video. She also has really cringe inducing lines. One of them I think is, “Why are you mad when you could be GLAAD, G-L-A-A-D?” So remember this survey I’m going to share with you comes from the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. That’s, come on Tay Tay, that’s pretty bad. You can do better than that. So here’s where they’re concerned. It says, “In four of the seven given scenarios,” this is in the survey that GLAAD recently did, 18 to 34 year olds reported feeling substantially more uncomfortable around LGBTQ people.

Trent Horn: These were learning my child had a lesson on LGBT history, 9% rise in being uncomfortable, learning a family member is LGBT and learning a doctor is LGBT. And having a child placed in a class with a LGBT teacher. At first I wonder, why are they worried about the doctor? But that that hits me immediately. Like when I go to my physician for a checkup. I mean I don’t know what kind of sexual attractions he has. I’m going to assume, you know, I assume … Then statistically speaking, 96% of people are opposite sex attracted, my physician’s probably that way too. And of course you never know. But the point is I would prefer to go to a male physician because I don’t want someone examining my body who has a deep seated attraction towards people that have my kind of body. That’s why I’m not going to go to a female physician for a checkup.

Trent Horn: That would make me very uncomfortable for some of the things that you have to do in a full physical. And I think that’s a normal feeling to have. But what’s happening here in the survey, what people are seeing, and I was reading in the articles and they’re trying to find any kind of explanation. Why are young people, which should be not even millennials, it’s more Generation Z, the next … the IGEN generation. Why are they having becoming more uncomfortable with the LGBT agenda?

Trent Horn: And the articles usually say, “Oh, president Trump has created an atmosphere of hate.” I think that’s far too simplistic and incorrect of an answer. Rather what I see as something that there’s a growing movement of people, not just among ages 18 to 34, but a growing movement of people who are tired of being imposed upon by this very politically powerful group, LGBT advocates.

Trent Horn: I’m not talking about people who are struggling with their sexuality. There’s one thing with people who are struggling with their sexual identity and their sexuality trying to come to terms with it, and most of these individuals have a very live and let live policy with other people. They’re very nice, amiable individuals. Rather, it’s the advocates. The people that go on cable news that write these editorials that start online petitions to get things shut down. This small minority of people representing the LGBT plus makes everyone else feel like they’re trapped in sunset of George Orwell, 1984 to tell a Tarion nightmare where at the very end of it, you can’t just obey big brother. You have to love big brother. Once you learn to love big brother, to love LGBTQ+ alliances and their visions, only then will you be truly free.

Trent Horn: But we’re seeing a backlash here. I want to call it the Joe Rogan effect. So have you ever listened to the Joe Rogan podcast? Rogan has … He represents I think for a lot of people online, a new demographic of people with very interesting political views. I’m seeing a big rise in people who I would say are fiscal conservatives and that they really rail against socialism and big government, but they’re also very socially liberal. They’re in favor of legalized prostitution. They’re in favor of legalized drugs. I mean, Joe Rogan is, he’s kind of the Dean of Stoner University. You listen to his podcast. I think he actually did smoke marijuana with Elon Musk in a recent interview.

Trent Horn: But, there are a few positions where they’re very strong almost siting with conservatives. One would be guns. Joe Rogan is very I believe pro Second Amendment of the right to bear arms and transgender. He thinks that it’s nonsense when you have people who identify as women for example, who are biological men who absolutely crush people in athletic events. And to him it’s just political correctness run amok. And he himself, he has a background in mixed martial arts and he’s talked about how men who identify as women who compete in mixed martial arts, they are a physical threat.

Trent Horn: They could cause permanent injury to their competitors because it doesn’t matter if you’re taking supplements, because in a lot of sporting events you have to take, which is strange, if you are a transgender woman, i.e. a biological man who identifies as a woman, you have to take testosterone supplements. Or not supplements, inhibitors to lower the level of testosterone in your bloodstream.

Trent Horn: Now it’s odd of course that only transgender women were asked to do this. What if you’re a biological woman who just has an abnormally high level of testosterone? Do you have to do that too? The fact of matter is some of the greatest athletes in the world, they’re freaks. That’s what makes them great athletes. I mean, look at Michael Phelps. He has crazy long arms. That’s what makes him a good swimmer. So why is there this weird standard of transgender women are real women, which is the common refrain in society today?

Trent Horn: Why do they have to take these testosterone inhibitors? Why can’t you just say, “They’re women who happen to have high levels of testosterone.” Because we know deep down a transgender woman is not a biological woman, because maleness and femaleness, being a man or a woman, is determined by our biology. And so a lot of people, that’s why I think that many young people are also even more pro-life today, because the science and biology on the unborn is just crystal clear. And when someone says to them, “That’s not a human being.” Many in Generation Z will say, I see an ultrasound right here. That is a baby. That is a baby. You can’t pull the wool over my eyes.” And it’s the same with generation Z when it comes to transgender. So one thing we can do as ambassadors for our faith is to point out our faith does not conflict with science.

Trent Horn: If anything, it is backed by science. It is the people who disagree with our faith, who are warping science to deny the humanity of the unborn, deny the biological reality of being male or female. And we should put that out to people to say, “No, we have no … ” Essentially that’s one thing I love about being Catholic is that you’re not committed for example to believe the earth is 6,000 years old. I believe the earth along with major … The consensus among scientists is that the earth is 4.54 billion years old.

Trent Horn: Life evolved from a common ancestor, the Catholic church and evolution. There’s not a contradiction there, which is of course a subject for another podcast. So I want to play with you some videos that I think are examples of where this kind of LGBT, you know, lesbian, gay, bisexual, totalitarian mindset is coming from. A few recent ones and some older ones just for you to see and then be able to respond to in public.

Trent Horn: So here’s the first one. This is a few weeks ago at a school in Scotland, I believe it was in Aberdeen, Scotland, and it was a secret exchange recorded by a, I think a high school student. Secondary school in Scotland, would it be called that? Who is having a conversation secretly recorded with his teacher. His teacher threw him out of class. Why this teacher throw him out of class? Because he said in class, “There are only two genders, male and female, and that’s biology.” And that he wouldn’t just shut up and be quiet about it. I want to play it to you and see this kind of treatment. This is why ages 18 to 34 many of them have had enough and want to return to reality and we can be the ambassadors to bring them to that.

Speaker 3: [inaudible 00:14:04], your opinion.

Speaker 4: If [inaudible 00:14:07], why would you kick me out of class? It’s not very inclusive of opinion.

Speaker 3: Can I finish my sentence please? Not very inclusive. No, I’m sorry what you are saying was not very inclusive. And this is an inclusive school.

Speaker 4: Yeah. How was [inaudible 00:14:19] saying [crosstalk 00:14:19].

Speaker 3: I’ve only seen that one would then say is that I’m one, I’m one gender, and this can’t be [inaudible 00:14:24].

Speaker 4: Well, who asked for your opinion?

Trent Horn: He meant to say more than two genders. That in Scotland the National Curricula says, “Nope, there’s more than two genders.” And the student is saying, “No there’s not.” And then the confrontation continues.

Speaker 3: My opinion, and that is an opinion which is acceptable in the school and I think yours, which you have seen that that’s no such thing as other than male or female is not-

Speaker 4: [inaudible 00:14:46] they’re just two genders. Depending on what gender of course you are.

Speaker 3: I get it, you are choosing to make an issue of this because I said, “Are you really going here?” That was your opportunity to keep quiet.

Speaker 4: You made issues on the website. You said all this website doesn’t have more than (beep).

Speaker 3: You were clearly given an opportunity not to pursue it. You chose to do so.

Speaker 4: Yeah, because I think it’s silly.

Speaker 3: You chose to do so, yes. That’s the key question, you chose to do so.

Speaker 4: I think it’s silly to have anything other than two genders, so.

Speaker 3: That, okay-

Speaker 4: Anything else is a part [crosstalk 00:15:15]

Speaker 3: Could you please keep that opinion to your own house. Thank you. Not in the school.

Speaker 4: So you get to put your opinion out in the classroom, like [crosstalk 00:15:23].

Speaker 3: I am not putting-

Speaker 4: My opinion has to stay inside the class.

Speaker 3: I’m not putting my opinion. I’m not putting my opinion out. I am stating what is national school authority policy.

Trent Horn: And that is why number one, I’m glad we have the First Amendment to the constitution. Defend that first amendment with every breath you’ve got. We have to have that. When we lose that, then the other side starts to be able to do this. The thing is, the freedom of speech will just become freedom of belief. You’re allowed to believe whatever you want. You just got to keep it locked up inside your own head. And that’s what he’s telling the student. You could believe this crazy idea there’s only men and women, but don’t tell anybody else about it. Don’t say it in class and don’t double down on your opinion when you’re corrected.

Trent Horn: So that is why with this kind of behavior that young people feel completely bullied, that they can’t be themselves, that there’s this weird argument, we should be tolerant and inclusive of all people, except for people who have held a view of human nature that has been constant for the past oh, I don’t know. Well, 5,000 years of civilization and 200,000 years of human history, or from the early hominids. They’re men, they’re women. There might be cases where we’re not sure. I’ll get to that here in a little bit, but this is something that should just be obvious.

Trent Horn: Let me give you another example that I think for millennials, why they’re finally fed up. Because they’re that even if you that for, people will say, “Oh, you’re transphobic, you’re transphobic.” That that’s just a way to shut down a conversation. That the people, even when you voice the opinion as politely as you can, this young man was being polite about it. And here’s another example. Jake Paul is a YouTuber. I don’t know much about him because I don’t know a lot about YouTube celebrities. Okay. It’s not an area of YouTube I travel much. But he was holding a big house party, invited a girl over and the girl brought transgender women with. And Jake Paul was saying, “I thought you’re going to bring girls to this party.”.

Trent Horn: And these women … So they, he says, “You know, this isn’t really the party for you.” And these women flip out about it. They flip out about it. And here’s what’s interesting about this. It’s on YouTube. The women posted this video of … They made a video themselves after the party saying that Jake Paul is transphobic. And they posted it online and it actually has more dislikes than their subscribers to their channel. Of the likes, out of 18,000 likes, 14,000 dislike this video. So that shows you that this is a sampling of general average people on YouTube trying to see what’s fair and make sense in society. And they listen to these two trans … I think they’re both transgender women. I’m not sure. At least one of them is, and if you listen to them though, I will say the attitude that they events, that that alone I believe would be enough to make one disinvited from a party. Whether or not you are transgender or not. So let me play it.

Speaker 5: He was like, he was literally like, “Don’t you guys have a party to go to? [crosstalk 00:18:25] Like we already go do that.

Speaker 6: And we literally were like, “What?”.

Speaker 5: He literally just got here. He literally just-

Speaker 6: Were the Calabasas.

Speaker 5: Literally from Hollywood, like what.

Speaker 6: So Kendall automatically was like, “Why? Like why would we leave? We literally just got here.” And he was like, “I don’t know, I just thought you guys were going to come with real girls.”.

Speaker 5: We’re not real girls apparently.

Speaker 7: [inaudible 00:18:49]

Speaker 8: What do you mean she’s not a girl.

Speaker 5: How did you came (beep).

Jake Paul: How is a transphobic girl?

Speaker 6: You literally just said she’s not a girl.

Trent Horn: Okay. So here in this part, they’re making the video and then they’re showing their cell phone footage where they confront Jake Paul and they’re saying he’s transphobic. And he’s saying, “How am I transphobic?” Because you’re saying we’re not real girls, so it continues.

Speaker 5: That’s why.

Jake Paul: Okay, okay. You are a girl.

Speaker 6: What do you mean she’s not a girl? Blame? What do you mean it’s fine, like-

Jake Paul: I’m not trying to be disrespectful. I’m just being real.

Speaker 6: Then why do you say she’s literally not a girl, I’m like, “Look at her.”

Speaker 5: Why would you do that?

Jake Paul: Because I was told that and-

Speaker 5: But it is an-

Speaker 6: You were told what?

Jake Paul: I was told you girls are coming.

Speaker 6: Okay, good. We’re over here.

Trent Horn: And so the guy actually, I don’t know if this is Jake Paul. It could be one of his other associates, but he’s just having a very relaxed tone trying to explain to them while we’re waiting for girls to come to the party and you’re not girls. And just the fury erupts and I’m sure these individuals posted online hoping other people would back them up, but then many other people are saying, “No, you’re just wrong here here.” I got to give you two more examples to show where this is, that when this happens, I think that will provide a good illustration for us that when people are angry, we should remember … And this next clip, this individual is very, very angry. People who are angry about their sexual identity or their sexual behavior, they’re wounded inside. They clearly are struggling with a lot of psychological and spiritual issues and so we should be compassionate on that and not add gasoline to the fire.

Trent Horn: So the best thing we can do is to be calm and meek like what the guy did in the Jake Paul video. I think he had a good effect to him. Similar in this video. This was from, I think about … This is back in December, about seven months ago, six months ago, and it was a guy, well yes, it was a guy. A biological male goes to GameSpot and has a disagreement with the clerk there, and this biological male presents himself as a woman, a transgender woman, and this individual … You got to watch the video. In fact, I’ll probably post the links in the description at

Trent Horn: That when this individual confronts the GameSpot employee, he who presents as a she, gets in an argument with another customer. This transgender woman, this is … When you look, you would say, “Oh, that is a man,” right off the bat. The person, the transgender woman is probably four or five inches taller than the GameSpot clerk. Probably has about 30 or 40 pounds on him like this … There’s no mistaken here. And so here is what happens. I want to play with you the … Essentially the tantrum this gentlemen who portrays himself as a woman throws.

Speaker 10: Excuse me, it’s ma’am, it is ma’am.

Speaker 11: I’ll call the police, you need to settle down.

Speaker 10: You need to settle down, mind your business, okay. Ma’am, once again, ma’am.

Speaker 11: I said both of you.

Speaker 10: Well, you said sir. Once again it’s ma’am.

Speaker 11: I actually said both of you guys, which is general.

Speaker 10: Right beforehand you (beep) said, “Sir.”

Speaker 11: Sir, be careful.

Speaker 10: (beep) take it outside. You want to call these turkeys? I will show you (beep) sir.

Speaker 11: I apologize.

Speaker 10: Mother (beep).

Speaker 11: I apologize.

Trent Horn: So then he knocks over … Sorry, this is the video I found like someone put a dramatic music overlay to it. But he kicks over a stand. I think the cashier just simply said, there was this individual and someone else and he said, “Hey, you guys, can you knock it down?” And he flips out. Even though if I saw even two women having a fight, I might say, “Hey you guys, come on.” That guys can be an all inclusive term here. And he goes ballistic.

Trent Horn: And once again, the goal here is to not throw gasoline on the fire. These are people who are hurting who need our prayers, but what they also don’t need is for us to lie to them. So one other key point that I have when I talk about issues related to transgender, people will say, “Why can’t you just say so-and-so is a man, so-and-so is a woman.” And I don’t think it’s good to say it because my religion won’t let me. Because that makes it sound like I’m handcuffed by my religion when I would rather want to do this. Not at all.

Trent Horn: I’d rather say, “Look, I care about this person and it’s important for me to not lie about other people.” I don’t want to be a liar. So I know that this is a man. I cannot refer to this man as a woman or vice versa because that would make me a liar and I can’t lie about these important elements of a person’s identity, because lying is wrong. Then you’ve got the focus off. He will say, “Well, you’re not lying.” I say, “Well, what’s the truth? What determines the truth of whether someone is a man or a woman?” One last example to show that this is the kind of attitude that if you can’t win in the marketplace of ideas through persuasion, then what you will end up doing is you’ll just try to use threats of force. That’s what we see and there’s always a hypocritical double standard here.

Trent Horn: Another favorite example of this, this is from four years ago, headline news. So there’s a panel about Caitlin Jenner getting the courage award from ESPN or whatever. And one of the … Two panelists, one, Ben Shapiro, who some people say is the Jewish Trent Horn, or the people say, sorry, yes, I would be the Catholic Ben Shapiro is what some people have said. I take that as a high compliment. Was on the panel representing the traditional biological view that well no … You know, Caitlyn Jenner does not deserve a courage award because Caitlyn Jenner has not done something courageous. Caitlyn Jenner has a personal identity disorder.

Trent Horn: And the other person on the panel that clashed with Shapiro is Zoey Turner. Zoey Turner was previously … Sorry Zoey Tur, not Turner. Zoey Tur. Zoey Tur was originally Robert Tur. Robert Tur’s claim to fame was he began the helicopter broadcasts of high speed chases in LA. He was the person who filmed a video tape from helicopter, the OJ Simpson pursuit back in 1994. And he was married to a woman actually. And then later he came out as transgender and identifies as a woman named Zoey. And so he and Ben Shapiro have this exchange on headline news with Dr. Drew. I think it’s Lapinski. Dr. Drew, who’s on MTV for a while about this, and here’s the exchange.

Zoey Tur: You mean your male or female?

Ben Shapiro: Gender-

Zoey Tur: With gender of course.

Ben Shapiro: Gender identity. Go ahead. No so-

Zoey Tur: Especially, but even so you have a thing like Klinefelter syndrome, so you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Trent Horn: So this is Zoey Tur, talking about genetics and then says to Ben that Ben doesn’t know what he’s talking about and starts to rip into Ben.

Zoey Tur: You’re not educated on genetics.

Ben Shapiro: Would you like us to discuss the genetics?

Zoey Tur: Not your genetics.

Ben Shapiro: I, so I’ll way from the genetics.

Trent Horn: So then Ben Shapiro says, “Well, why don’t we talk about the genetics? What are your genetics, sir?” And says that to Zoey Tur, and then Zoey puts his large hand on little Ben, not little Ben. I mean he’s a diminutive guy, puts Zoey Tur puts a large hand on Ben’s shoulder and then says this,

Ben Shapiro: Excellent. Back to the brain scans.

Zoey Tur: You cut that out now or you’ll go home in an ambulance.

Ben Shapiro: That seems mildly inappropriate for a political discussion.

Zoey Tur: No, I know, want to be fair, but you got to be fair [crosstalk 00:26:09] islands. But to be fair, you’re actually being kind of rude.

Trent Horn: To be fair, you’re actually being kind of rude. So Zoey Tur has the right to threaten to assault you and put you in an ambulance because you will not use the preferred pronoun that this gentleman, this man wants you to use. That if it was reversed, if it was reversed, that if someone refused to acknowledge, if somebody refused to refer to Jesus as our Lord and savior or you know, or he refuse to use whatever kind of prescript I as a Catholic wanted them to use and I said, “You cut that out or I’ll put you in a body bag, I’ll put you in an ambulance.”

Trent Horn: It would be on all the news stations. It would be another example of this bigoted, hateful, backwards view trying to bring back the inquisition. And yet, when people on the other side of these issues say these violent remarks or engage in violence, the excuse is, well, they’re triggered and they’re triggered. And it’s understandable.

Trent Horn: No, it’s not. That’s why so many young people don’t want to be threatened with force essentially to conform to these false narratives about reality. We have to be able to articulate that for people. What I want to end with here is give you guys a little bit of help on the issue of genetics that Zoey Tur brings up, because people will say, “Well, don’t genetics determine whether you’re a man or a woman?” And this is a landmine you can fall into if you’re overconfident or you don’t provide nuance.

Trent Horn: So when I talk about this issue, I’ll say, “A man is traditionally or usually an individual who has an X, Y sex chromosome pair, and a woman has XX generally. I talk about general generics because there are sex chromosome abnormalities, but those sex chromosome abnormalities in and of themselves do not erase the existence of men and women. They do not. They are just men and women who have different genetic chromosomal patterns. You know, different sex chromosomes. But nine times out of 10, 99 times out of a hundred, I think 9,999 out of 10,000 times we can determine whether it’s a man or a woman.

Trent Horn: Because Zoey Tur talks about these different syndromes, these different sex chromosome variants, they still don’t disprove there are men and there are women. I want to go through them now so you’re familiar with them. So you can say, “Oh, I’ve heard of these, but they don’t show that we can’t ever know who’s a man or who’s a woman.” And there’s a lot of them. So let’s go through a few. One that Tur brought up. Well I’ll start up here actually, because we’ll get to Klinefelter. One is Triple X Syndrome and that’s not somebody who stars in adult films that someone, remember traditional man is XY. Woman is XX. You always get an X from mom, and you either get an X or a Y from dad, okay?

Trent Horn: So if you get an X from dad, you’re a girl, you get a Y from dad, you’re a boy. That’s how it works for almost everybody. But sometimes you get odd things. You might get for example, a mixture in XX and an X. And so you have triple X syndrome, trisomy X is what it’s called. And it says those who are affected are often taller. They’re women who are taller than average. Usually there are no other physical differences and they have normal fertility. Sometimes they have learning difficulties. Triple X, you’re a woman. Quadruple X, Tetrasomy X, so that’s where you might get a XX from your mom and a XX from your dad and so you would get … they’re highly variable ranging from relatively mild to severe, people with quadruple X. These would be women who have very distinctive facial features, flat nasal bridges, mild flays hypoplasia, small mouths, delayed or absent teeth, so trisomy X, not as noticeable.

Trent Horn: Quadruple X, Tetrasomy X is a lot more noticeable. Still though, these are women. And find that the rarest of these particular extra X chromosomes is pentasomy X. That would be having five X chromosomes. I don’t know how you get that many, but some people do. It’s extremely, extremely rare. And here, once again though, you still have women who have intellectual disability, low set ear, decreased muscle tone. Even with a lot of Xes, these are still women.

Trent Horn: The more common one you may have heard of is Turner syndrome. This is someone who is 45X. They only have 45 chromosomes. They do not have XX. They just have X. Here, this is a woman. This is a woman who is missing elements from the second X chromosome and because these elements are missing, they often have things like fertility issues, low set ears, short stature, swollen hands, but once again, these are females with a sex chromosomal abnormality.

Trent Horn: Klinefelter was Zoey Tur for to be the one. Now those are ones that relate to women. You change the Xes. If they’re all Xes, you’re still going to have women here because you don’t have the genes on the Y chromosome that are responsible for activating the male phenotype, the male physical structures, things like that. Tur brought up Klinefelter, but Klinefelter is XXY. So again, you have XXY, what is it? I thought XY was a man, XX is a woman, what are you? Well, you’re a male because you have the Y chromosome. Klinefelter syndrome is described as being present in biological males and the primary features are your infertility and small testicles.

Trent Horn: It’s similar to another one, it’s called Fraccaro syndrome and that’s where you have XXXXY, four Xes and a Y. You’re a male because you have the Y chromosome there. You’re a male. You just have fertility issues and reproductive issues. Some people have also tried to say that either XXY or there’s one called XYY where you have two Y chromosomes, that this is the super male syndrome. This is, you know, “Oh you’re going to end up in prison because you have too many Y chromosomes.” No, that’s been debunked. XYY is a male who is just taller on average, has acne and is at risk for learning disabilities. Once again though, male. And then the other one, which is odd, is XXYY. So usually you’d either have XX or XY. If you have XXYY, once again they’re genotypically and phenotypically. Your physical structures, you’re a male. You just happened to have 48 chromosomes instead of 46.

Trent Horn: The only ones that are completely out the box. Very, very, very rare cases where you have genetic mosaicism, where you have like a cross between, it’s part XX and part XY mixed together. So that might have cases where you have very abnormal genitalia and so it’s difficult to determine whether someone is a man or a woman in that case. Another similar one might be if you have fraternal twins, identical boy and girl. In the womb they are separate zygotes that merge together. When that happens, you might have an intersex condition.

Trent Horn: But intersex, as I say in my Trent Tracks on the issue is completely different from transgender. Don’t confuse it. In all the cases of only transgender, almost all of them, we know someone’s a biological man or woman and we should stand up for this major feature of reality. We should preach reality to people, because when you understand reality, you’re happy, healthy, and ultimately a whole person. And I hope this helps you and I hope you have a very blessed day everybody.

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