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Questions Covered:

  • 02:14 - Where are the Pope and the Church in this abortion debate? Why is Biden being supported? 
  • 07:41 - Does 2 Corinthians 5:21 teach Imputation as many Protestant scholars say? The Bible cross references and church fathers point to Rom8.3 to say, “made sin” means “sent in the likeness of sinful flesh”. 
  • 17:40 - What are the inherent problems with penal substitutionary atonement? 
  • 21:45 - Has the Church officially condemned the idea that it’s the community (not the priest) who consecrates the Eucharist? Or that consecration is not valid unless the community is present? 
  • 23:25 - Was God a corpse? If it is right to call Jesus God because of the hypostatic union, does that mean it is right to call Jesus’ corpse, while in the tomb, God?? 
  • 32:54 - Is it probable that cryptids exist? 
  • 40:12 - Are Catholics bound under pain of mortal sin to refuse to watch, or stop watching as soon as it happens once, movies where God’s name is taken in vain? 
  • 42:40 - Is Jesus our father in heaven? 
  • 44:45 - Is the conversion of the Jews prior to Jesus 2nd coming Catholic dogma? 
  • 46:46 - Historical comparison question: has the Church experienced its current level of schism and recovered without major splits? 
  • 48:40 - Why don’t we believe in Limbo anymore? 
  • 52:20 - In Acts 13, who was the guy who was friends with Herod and why is that such an important attribute to note in scripture? “Manaen who was a close friend of Herod the tetrarch” 
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