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Why Don’t You Think Catholicism Makes Sense?

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Questions Covered:

  • 04:15 - I don’t understand the Synod. I’m not Catholic but what are your thoughts on it?
  • 11:40 - How is praying the rosary and praying to statues not idolatry?
  • 20:29 - Why are protestant baptisms accepted in the Catholic Church?
  • 29:00 - Can you explain patron saints?
  • 35:04 - Why do some people get exposed to the full teachings and others don’t?
  • 41:25 - In John 6, could it be possible that the disciples left due to his claim that he came from heaven and not due to cannibalism?
  • 48:22 - Do all Catholics who die go to purgatory?
  • 49:24 - Where does the Church come up with all the different choirs of angels?
  • 52:18 - Why is it assumed that Catholics don’t read or know the bible?
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