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Tips for Defending the Faith

Questions Covered

  • 07:00 - What tips do you have for defending the faith against agnostic atheists with Buddhist leanings? 
  • 14:11 - What can I say to people who say “God is too big for one religion” and cite people of other religions who do great things? 
  • 19:44 - As a college student, what’s the best way I can I engage with people who are already theologically astute, especially of other faiths? 
  • 24:20 - How can I answer the Calvinist claim that the union of the Father and Son was broken at the crucifixion, and the Son felt the full wrath of God? 
  • 32:35 - How can you defend a faith that worships the most evil and most powerful deity? 
  • 40:20 - If Jesus is God, what’s the point of him being sinless? 
  • 45:40 - What’s the distinction between killing someone and letting them die, as it relates to abortion, euthanasia, and assisted suicide? 
  • 52:24 - How would you explain to someone that the Trinity is something logical and reasonable? 
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