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Why Aren’t You Catholic?

Trent Horn

Questions Covered:

  • 07:13 - I am not Catholic because I reject the Catholic understanding of authority. 
  • 17:04 - I am not Catholic. I was for 52 years. My wife and I fell in love with a non-denominational Church where we heard things we had never heard before. Then we actually gave our lives to Christ, making a public declaration. We were born-again. 
  • 29:24 - I am visiting churches right now trying to figure out where I belong. I’ve been in a non-denominational church. 
  • 36:09 - I am not Catholic because God makes large non-Catholic families of all faiths and he doesn’t make mistakes. 
  • 45:50 - I am not Catholic, but I was Catholic. I believe we are saved by grace, not works.  
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