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Why Aren’t You Catholic?

Trent Horn asks, “Why aren’t you Catholic?” He explains his reason for believing that the Catholic Church is the true Church.

Questions Covered:

  • 01:16 - I’m trying to choose between Catholicism and Orthodoxy, and I’d like some clarification on the primacy of Peter and how that contributes to the power of the Papacy.
  • 08:47 - I have a problem with the use of images in worship.
  • 20:42 - I am a female pastor who isn’t in the Catholic Church because they don’t ordain women priests.
  • 37:20 - I’d like an explanation and defense of Confession.
  • 47:00 - I have all the “head knowledge,” i.e. of the reasons for believing, but I don’t feel an interior conviction towards Jesus and the Catholic Church yet.

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