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Why Aren’t You Catholic?

Trent Horn explains why we’re Catholic- our reason for faith, hope, and love, and responds to callers who disagree.

Questions Covered:

  • 01:21 - I am almost ready to be Catholic but Mary really holds me back. 
  • 16:19 - I’ve never been Catholic. I’m not Catholic because of the current issues with the Church. 
  • 24:36 - I am Oriental Orthodox because I see problems with the philosophy of Roman Catholicism. 
  • 42:08 - I am not Catholic because I have studied historical theology and don’t believe that the current Catholic Church is the same as the early Church. 
  • 52:26 - I am not Catholic because I have a problem with praying to the saints. If I did have the time to pray, why wouldn’t I pray to God directly? 

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