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Why Are You Pro-Choice?

Trent Horn discusses the issue of abortion and invites pro-choice listeners to explain why they are pro-choice.

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Questions Covered:

  • 01:47 - I am pro-choice because there is no education for NFP or any other option, so people have no good option, except for abortion.
  • 04:30 - I am pro-choice because there are special circumstances like incest or rape.
  • 14:29 - I am pro-choice because a lot of anti-abortion is based out of religion. Also, it’s not really progressive to say that people have say over their own body unless they’re pregnant, because it puts importance on the baby over the person that is already here.
  • 28:50 - I am pro-choice because I wouldn’t want to be forced to go through the pregnancy if I were raped.
  • 43:55 - I’m pro-choice because it is a woman’s choice to make.

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