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Which Catholic Doctrine Troubles You?

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Questions Covered: 

  • 06:20 - I’m troubled by the doctrine of Hell and people who don’t accept Jesus going to Hell, and what constitutes invincible ignorance. 
  • 15:18 - I’ve never fully understood the doctrine of indulgences. 
  • 20:43 - I’m troubled by the Church’s teaching on contraception. I had a vasectomy when I was a Protestant and I want to know if that’s going to impede my entry into the Church. 
  • 29:21 - How can I believe the doctrines of Mary? 
  • 41:24 - I’m troubled by why hell would be eternal instead of the souls being annihilated. 
  • 52:09 - I’m trying to understand the role of the bishops’ authority. How could a bishop have the authority to punish a priest who didn’t do anything wrong? 
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