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Weird Questions

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Questions Covered:

  • 02:47 - In John 10:16, is it possible that Jesus was referring to extraterrestrial life when He said “And I have sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice.”? 
  • 07:37 - Hypothetically, if there was a global religious catastrophe and all clergy members were killed except one priest, would that priest automatically become the pope? And follow up: if all the clergy were killed, how would the faithful go about rebuilding the church given that there are no priests/bishops left to ordain new members? 
  • 16:00 - Is it possible that my dog is actually my guardian angel who is temporarily in the form of a dog? 
  • 17:51 - I think about the doctrine of Divine simplicity and the afterlife. If God is not made of any parts, what are we going to see when in heaven? Or what is he going to reveal to us if he is so simple. 
  • 19:37 - I heard that Lucifer’s rebellion was that God revealed the Incarnation of the Son, for which he refused to serve a man. Does that mean it wasn’t revealed that God is Trinitarian? I’m assuming that because God is omnipresent, the Son is God and is man. 
  • 21:33 - What are your thoughts on spontaneous human combustion? Is there evidence it’s happened, and what would be a possible explanation for it? 
  • 28:35 - What evidence is there that humans matured earlier in life in Christ’s time? 
  • 33:48 - What would the moral implications be of joining an expedition to colonize Mars or other planet, knowing that there would not be access to any sacraments indefinitely? 
  • 38:44 - If Christ made a visit to all continents together with Joseph, Mary, and the apostles (just like a Papal visit) before He was crucified, would the world have become Christians? 
  • 42:52 - Did Jesus have opinions? Such as having a favorite food or favorite color? Would these be the results of random biology and environment as He grew up? 
  • 48:00 - If an animal (let’s say a dolphin) were artificially made more intelligent, like to a human level, would that dolphin be able to be baptized? Would it be basically a human with regards to the afterlife? If not, what change would be required to make an animal into a person? How would this be the same or different from a scenario where we discover intelligent space aliens? 
  • 52:50 - What happened to the Holy prepuce? 
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